The TOEFL Junior Best of the Best Award in Hong Kong

We would like to congratulate 5A Liang Yat Sum for his extremely outstanding performance in the TOFEL Junior tests in 2023 and has won ‘The TOEFL Junior Best of the Best Award in Hong Kong”.

Wah Yee Summer School 2024

This summer, 27 Primary 5 students joined the Wah Yee Summer School in July. They went to Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) and Wah Yan College, Hong Kong for 5 days of activities, such as Drama, English, Maths & Science, STEAM, Arts, Music, Sports, Fireless Cooking, Animal Care, Chess, Little Vlogger, Kpop and Critical Thinking. Senior students from Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section), Wah Yan College, Hong Kong and Wah Yan College, Kowloon volunteered as tutors for this event. These selfless students were all experienced and passionate. Our students gained a lot of invaluable skills.

This kind of experience is once-in-a-lifetime, and they all had a deeply meaningful and wonderfully enjoyable time!

SD Day Activites:Reading Fun P.2 and P.3

P.2 The Ant & the Cricket

The perfect book to end the academic year for our P.2 students. We used this beautifully illustrated book, The And & the Cricket, to not only review some of the vocabulary covered in their English syllabus, but also to teach our students valuable lessons about consequences and responsibility. Every student received their own copy to take home and complete the activities in the back of the book after reading through it once more by themselves.

P.3 Mowgli

I can still fondly and vividly remember the jungle scenes from the film The Jungle Book that I enjoyed watching as a child. It was such a pleasure to introduce parts of the film with the book, Mowgli. The story taught us how to be considerate and to avoid discrimination. At the end of the lesson, our students sharpened up on their jungle animal and vegetation vocabulary by designing a collaborative jungle poster.

SD Day Activites:Olympic Games P.1

With the Paris Olympics around the corner, it was an ideal time to teach our P.1 students new words they could use to impress their parents with when they watch the Olympic Games this summer. As spectators we will celebrate the spoils of perseverance with the amazing athletes. As a lead-in to the lesson, we read a very apt book about colours and staying positive when faced with obstacles. We had lots of fun playing vocabulary quiz games, singing and sharing.

English Fun Day 2024

All students at Good Counsel had a fantastic time at the English Fun Day! The games not only helped enhance students’ English abilities but also helped promote this year’s school theme of responsibility as all games were designed around this core principle.

8 unique game booths were set up and all students were given the opportunity to play each one of them. Some of the games students played were a Healthy Food Fishing game, a Tongue Twister game and an Olympic themed game. Interacting with NET teachers at game booths helped build students confidence. All the students had the time of their lives!

SCOLAR English Alliance 2023-24 From reading to e-writing with 21st century skills

We would like to congratulate the following students for their outstanding performance in the “From reading to e-writing with 21st century skills” programme hosted by the CLEMR of the Faculty of Education, CUHK..


5D Tang Laam Hei: Certificate of Merit

6A Cheung Pak Hiu: Certificate of Merit

6B Chan Heison Hei Shun: Certificate of Excellence

6C Choy Tsz Yue: Certificate of Excellence and Merit Award. 

2023-2024 Raz-Plus Reading Contest (Whole Year)
75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2023)

We would like to extend our sincerest congratulations to the Solo Verse Speaking participates, who were presented with an award for their excellent performance at the 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. Students participated in Solo Verse Speaking, all students were presented with a Certificate of Merit for their impressive performance at this year’s event. All the time and effort that these students put into improving their skills have paid off and we are glad that their dedication has been rewarded. We hope that our students will continue to grow and achieve even more excellent results!

Salvation Army So Uk Kindergarten Visit

We were very honoured to be invited to visit The Salvation Army So Uk Kindergarten on 18 and 25 April. The modern facilities, engaging students and welcoming educators made the experience memorable.

Vice-Principal Chan, Mr Damons and Mr Willem with the acclaimed acting abilities of seven P6 students from the Community Youth Club, performed a short play to very knowledgeable groups of K2 and K3 learners. Apart from including fun and relevant language elements, the play also encompassed value education that emphasized the importance of a balanced lifestyle.

It is was unclear who had the most fun. We all hope to see the promising young learners soon.

P.1 Reading Fun!

P1 Reading Activity

Our P1 students enjoyed reading I’m Not Jess. They were so excited to learn new words and to figure out why Jess said her name is not Jess.

The story invited them into the imaginative world of an inquisitive young girl who finds purpose and wonder in everything around her. Jess’s determination and self-believe rubbed off on the students as they grappled with what they want to be when they are older.

Our young doctors, zookeepers, firefighters and police officers left the activity with a craft that could resemble their future self and a world full of possibilities.

Newspaper Chair Making

Have you ever wondered what you could do with old newspapers? Well, our environmentally aware P3 students recycled old newspapers while having fun and learning a lot.


By collaborating in groups, our learners were tasked to build a comfortable and sturdy chair completely out of old newspapers. The challenge gave them an opportunity to learn hands-on how to apply important STEAM skills to achieve a tangible and clear objective.


Our students relished the opportunity to showcase their creativity. They all loved the newspaper STEAM challenge!

SCOLAR English Alliance 2023/24: Learning English with drama fun

A creative group of students were given the opportunity to fully express themselves using various verbal and non-verbal communication strategies at the Learning English with drama fun workshop facilitated by SCOLAR English Alliance.


The drama focused and interactive approach to teaching and learning ensured that our students were physically and mentally kept on their toes throughout the workshop. With collaboration and out-of-the-box thinking, they were motivated to overcome the Impossible Thing.


At the end students wrote and starred in their own short plays. Fun ensued and lasting memories were made.


P4 - P6 Speaking Class

During the speaking classes, students engage with authentic written material in the form of stories, articles and recipes in order to facilitate discussions on various topics. Students work on phonics, vocabulary and reading aloud skills in all speaking classes. Student-teacher interactions happen throughout the lesson and student-student interactions are saved for the end of the lessons where students will engage in an activity based on the topic of the lesson.

Chinese Culture Day

During our Chinese Culture Day, students played various interactive games in the English Room. The activities were designed to provide our enthusiastic learners with the necessary lexis to confidently share stories about the culture-rich festival.

P6 Mock Interview Class (Secondary School Mock Interview Preparation)

The main goal for the P6 interview preparation class was for students to work on their group discussion skills, answer individual questions, practice their self-introduction and practice their reading aloud skills. All students managed to participate in each lesson to the best of their abilities.

P6 Mock Interview

The P6 mock interview was held on 4th January, 2024. All the mock interviewers were teachers who simulated real-world interview scenarios to help students develop essential interviewing and communication skills. The event aimed to provide students with practical experience and constructive feedback to prepare them for future secondary school interviewing opportunities. There were two main parts. The first part was the self-introduction, and the second part was one-on-one interviewing, where students came across subject-based comprehension questions and interactive questioning skills between the interviewees and interviewers.

Morning Assembly

The morning assemblies cover a wide range of topics that are carefully chosen to boost students’ interest in the English language and instill positive values. Each month a new theme based on positive values is chosen and throughout the year the core value of responsibility is emphasized. The morning assembly also aims to teach and celebrate Chinese culture. Past topics include Dongzhi, the 24 Solar Terms, introducing some books and magazines about Chinese culture and some famous Chinese people and China’s National Treasure Animal.

English Booth Games

English Booth games are held at the 1st recess & 3rd recess every Day C & Day F in the school hall. Our NET Mr. Damons creates English games for the students in order to enhance students’ English abilities. The games are designed to improve students’ vocabulary and further develop students’ interest in the English language. Past games include a word matching game, Hopscotch and tongue twisters.


The NETs chat with students in a small group at the 3rd recess about specific topics in order to enhance students speaking skills. The students learn vocabulary and ways to express themselves about the topics.

2023-2024 Raz-Plus Reading Contest (Term 1)
2023-2024 English Vocabulary Championship
2023 TOEFL Junior Results
The 3rd Hong Kong School Chinese and English Penmanship Competiton
Interview Preparation Workshops 2023

Even though our dedicated P6 students recently finished a very important exam, they were more than eager to get back into their secondary school interview preparations.

Our NET teachers, Mr Damons and Mr Willem,  were very impressed with how dedicated the students were. They showed that they understood the importance by paying attention and taking notes.

e-Writing Workshop 2023

Students were inspired to not only read more, but to publish their own books during a visit by SCOLAR English Alliance (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) during our Special Day events on 27 and 28 November, 2023.

With Christmas and Chinese New Year around the corner, the students aptly wrote about festivals. Their creativity was put to the test when they created new festivals. We all hoped that some original festivals like The Fruit Festival and Relaxing Week Festival would come to life.

Sing and Write for Christmas 2023

You might wonder why we started celebrating Christmas this early. Well, it is never too early to get into the Christmas spirit, but the true reason is that our caring P5 students made special Christmas cards that will be distributed to some of the most vulnerable groups in our society during Christmas.

The joyful singing set the tone and provided some lexis for our students to appropriately complete their handcrafted Christmas cards.

RTHK Radio Programme “In the Common Room”

What a wonderful day!


Three students from Primary 5 and 6 were chosen to be a part of the RTHK radio programme, In the Common Room. The students chatted with the host about their family life. They shared precious memories they experienced with their family, their family members’ responsibilities at home and values they’ve learnt by being part of a loving family.  


After the broadcast, they were treated with a tour of the RTHK facility.  During their tour of the studio, they had the opportunity to see all the equipment and preparation needed to run a radio show. The students were filled with excitement throughout the tour and left the building with their horizons broadened.


You may listen the record below or RTHK Radio app.


5/10/2023 Programme record


4.1 English Ambassador

All English Ambassadors are selected from the Talent Pool and they display excellent performance in English. They are trained to promote the use of English on the campus and are exposed to more advanced and authentic use of English through various activities such as drama and choral speaking. During the training, they learn to strive for their best and build up their confidence when speaking English.

4.2 SCOLAR - Rugby English Active Learning Programme

Our students participated in the Rugby English Active Learning Programme held by SCOLAR to gain exposure to English in an authentic way outside of class time. Students had the opportunity to learn and have fun at the same time. Pupils learned how to play rugby in English and they had so much fun playing the sport and doing the workbook activities. In addition, they used English to communicate with each other and with the coaches which gave them an opportunity to express themselves in English.

4.3 SCOLAR - Dr. Grammar Programme

Our school joined the SCOLAR English Alliance 2022/23: Dr. Grammar Programme on 10th March, 2023. The programme was entertaining and engaging, helping students enhance their English language skills in vocabulary, comprehension, grammar, and story writing. Through reading a creative story, Nino and Mimi’s Trip to Hong Kong, students were able to practise their reading skills and were excited to learn about a variety of Hong Kong attractions. They also played some grammar games such as Mystery Bag and Sudoku which added some fun to their learning experience. It was an inspiring and joyful learning experience for them!

4.4 Kids4Kids My Story Creation Competition 2022-23

We are delighted to announce our winners and students’ stories from the Kids4Kids My Story Creation Competition 2022-23!


Congratulations to all winners for their remarkable achievements and a big thank you to their parents for their support and encouragement! It is a testament to the hard work and dedication they put into their craft. We are immensely proud of their accomplishment!


Check out their stories by clicking the following links:


Do Not Cyberbully


Be Polite to Everyone


Respect Nature


Say Hello


A Missing Painting

4.5 SCOLAR English Alliance 2021-22: e-Writing with 21st Century Skills

Congratulations! We are proud of you!

We would like to congratulate our students for their excellent display of creativity in writing their own stories using the Book Creator app. They are awarded for their writings and creative skills using digital technology.

Awards Number of Students
Outstanding Award 2
Certificate of Excellence 2
Certificate of Merit 6

We are very proud of these students for their hard work and excellent dedication, well done!

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